Marriage Should Be the RIGHT Step Not the NEXT Step

~ Marriage should be the right step not the next step.

Think about this statement and let it sink in. This hit me recently and I'd like to share my thoughts on it.

So it appears that when it comes to marriage, a lot of people, I dare say women especially (because they seem to be under more pressure), get to a point in their lives when they feel ok, they've done a few things and settling down and getting married should be the next thing on the list. In fact, you know what, men get like that too! They accomplish certain things, reach certain goals and decide ok, now it's time for a wife.

But is that really how marriage should be approached? Should marriage be based on a self-imposed or society-imposed schedule or should it be based on something else like...purpose? Should it be the next step just 'cause the time feels right or should it be the right step because of a higher purpose?

I was sharing one of my musings on my radio show recently and I talked about my new found interest and admiration of sorts for The Zuckerbergs. Something about their relationship strikes me as "purposefull" i.e. full of purpose. It seems to me like theirs is a love that goes beyond cliche love and romance and is rooted in a deep sense of purpose and I think that's what getting married should be about. It should be about aligning your life's purpose with another person's for a greater cause and it shouldn't be about what seems like the next step because of pressure or butterflies (and trust me, butterflies are great).

Marriage should be the right step after you've gained clarity on your life's purpose and you encounter someone with whom your purpose aligns.

Neyo's song, You Make Me Better, captured it well when he said "I'm a movement by myself but we're a force when we're together" and until you find that person with whom you can be a force with, I think marriage should be put on the backburner. And I believe in the quest to finding "The One", purpose should rank very high, if not highest, on the criteria list.

Now, not every couple will effect change on the level of Mark and Priscilla Zuckerberg but the purpose of your union should be clear and "purposefull" and that's what will (should) guide the decision to be with the person in the first place. That's what should make marriage the right step, and not simply the next step.

So when it comes down to it, marriage should be the right step because you've met your "purpose partner". It shouldn't be based just on love - and love is great but the truth is you can fall in love with a lot of people but you can't walk in purpose with a lot people. And walking I'm purpose together is what gives marriage its meaning. Marriage shouldn't be the next step simply because of societal pressure to check it off the list in order to gain the approval of others or for self-centered reasons. To get married for any reason other than purpose primarily I dare say would be doing a huge injustice to the original intent of the institution of marriage. Strong words, I know, but I believe them deeply.

What do you think? Share with me in the comments.

Take away:

• When it comes to marriage, chose purpose not pressure i.e. let it be the right step because of purpose and not simply the next step you feel compelled to take.

• Do you know your purpose? Do you know why you are here? If not, email me, and I'll share with you a few resources to figure it out (


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