The Most Important Question to Ask Before You Date a Guy

Ok, so I’d really like for us to dialogue on this one. When you meet a guy for the first time, sparks fly, excitement ensues, love is in the air, and bam! you think you’re in love. But before you get too excited, you check yourself and your list – yes, some of us still have lists of the things we want in a man - the list may have shrunk/been condensed over the years (LOL!!!) but nonetheless, there is a list *straight face* 

Anywayssss, based on that list, if you were to extract one, two, or three main questions you would ask the guy, what would they be? Perhaps you’re reading this thinking you hadn’t really thought deeply about the questions to ask him because you figured things would unfold over time. I challenge you to think about what you would really NEED to know. Now, this isn’t about interrogating the brotha but if you will be investing time, resources, etc. into a relationship, it is important to get answers to important questions. So ladies, what one, two, or three questions have you asked or would you ask a guy before agreeing to a committed relationship with him.  

A while ago, someone I really admire and look up to as a father-figure said one of the most important questions to ask a guy, especially one you want to marry, is WHAT IS YOUR WORK?* This question packs a punch and so should the response. This should give insight into the guy’s vision, purpose, goals, etc. Of course you don’t have to ask the question verbatim, but it’s about making sure that before you decide to commit to the guy, you get the answer to that question, sooner than later cos ain’t nobody got time to waste with someone whose work you’re not compatible with nor excited about. Remember when we talked about the Top FiveReasons Why He’s NOT “The One”?

So aside from the question above, ladies, let’s talk. What other important questions do you ask a guy before you agree to commit to a relationship with him…This should be interesting and I think we could learn a thing or two from each other!

P.S. This is "old English" (Lol) and "work" in this case simply means his life's vision and purpose.


  1. "Who do you really admire?" "Who do you really look up to?" "Who is that person you really would want to be like when you grow up?" "And why do you admire this person?" These, if honestly and clearly answered, actually could say a lot about the guy' motivation, values ,d goals.


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