LOVE Quotes...

Some of my fav love quotes. Please share yours...

~ You can't love someone more than you love yourself.*

~ Some ladies want to marry the man they love but really you should pray to God you love the man you marry. - Rev. Run

~ Don't wait around for someone to figure out if they want you or not! Make the decision for them and bounce. You're not an option, you're a blessing. - Detrick Haddon

~You can't be in a relationship to make the other person happy. You both must be happy to be in the relationship. - The Life Diaries (Twitter)

~ Women tend to prefer men with a good sense of humor because it's associated with intelligence and honesty - UberFacts (Twitter)

~ Marriage wasn't designed to be a power STRUGGLE - it's a power UNION. Our differences declare our need for one another. - Lisa Bevere

*Quote by yours truly :D


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